Digital Marketing for

Domestic Violence Centers and Advocates

I am a survivor of domestic violence, trained advocate, volunteer, and donor. I know exactly what your stakeholders need to hear from you.

~Jennifer Gardella, Ph.D

We make sure those with power, interest, or a vote are deeply invested in your work





Donors & Volunteers

Grant Agencies

How do you engage with your stakeholders:

Transparency ~ accessibility ~ inclusivity & CONTENT

around the happenings of your office

Share Initiatives

Promote Events

Services offered

Health and Safety Guidelines


Provide education

Solicit Feedback

Meeting Minutes

Policy Changes

Jen Knows Domestic Violence Advocacy

Jen is a survivor of Domestic Violence

Jen is a donor to her domestic violence center

Jen is a volunteer at her domestic violence center (direct client and CORE trained)

Jen is a domestic violence impact speaker and trainer.

Jen knows how to use your digital marketing to attract donors and volunteers and reach clients.

Jen Can Develop a Strategy for Your DV Center

Jen has been working in digital marketing for 10 years.

Jen does your keyword research

Your editorial calendar is written

Your social media account are rewritten

You retain ownership of all of your accounts

Month to month contract

Social Media and Blogging

for Domestic Violence Centers & Advocates

You need a domestic violence expert to reach clients, donors, and volunteers.

Your stakeholders can be a fickle bunch. Board members who want to see you around the internet, funding agencies who want to see results, staff who do the hard work every day, government officials who want to be recognized for support (just to name a few).

And, let's not forget, your website needs to be chock full of information for your ideal clients to find you. They often do not search on "domestic violence" and the name of your organization might not clearly identify what you do.

To reach ALL of these stakeholder groups, you a marketing expert. Not just someone who can set-up and produce content, but team with a stake in your cause and first-hand knowledge of your work.

With years of experience marketing, a survivor, and now advocate / donor to her local domestic violence center Jennifer is uniquely qualified to help you.

If you have looked at other non-profits and domestic violence centers you consider successful, you know that they are blogging and sharing content CONSISTENTLY on social media. They seamlessly speak directly to ALL the stakeholder groups. The strong foundation of their digital presence is working for them every day.

Meet Jennifer Gardella, PhD

Survivor ~ Advocate ~ Author ~ Donor

In her own words...

"'I have been working in digital marketing for over 10 years helping attorneys and entrepreneurs with their digital marketing.

As a survivor of domestic violence, trained active advocate, volunteer, and donor I know first-hand the critical messages your team needs to share regularly.

If your center has been struggling, your website is a hot mess, you have no idea how to start a blog, what a keyword is, and/or you need help with a digital marketing strategy, let's talk."

~ Jennifer

Social Media and Blogging

for Domestic Violence Centers and Advocates

Keyword Research / Strategy

Did you pay for a big fancy website but still not reaching all your stakeholders? Maybe you only wrote in the keywrod "domestic violence center" (hint: not that many search on that). Keyword research to reach all the stakeholders is the center of your digital marketing plan.  We look at your organization and effort and use a myriad of data aggregating websites to uncover and then use the right keywords and questions when writing your content. 

Social Media

You need to reach your stakeholders where they "hang out" on the internet and content should be structured for their particular needs. Board members, donors, clients and government officials all need to be addressed in different ways. Using LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, your Google Business Profile, Pinterest and other channels we make your your stakeholders can see your great work.


SEO for divorce lawyers is comprised of many factors, but content is the undisputed #1 ranking factor.  Active blogging around the core issues of your ideal clients (using the right keywords of course), will show the search engines you are consistently updating your website.  We write high quality content (that you approve and own) based on the culture and goals of your firm. 

Copyright ©2020 The Gardella Group All rights reserved

Located in the Greater Philadelphia area The Gardella Group is headquartered at

1000 Northbrook Dr Ste 100, Feasterville - Trevose, PA 19053.